Tuesday, 3 March 2015


Notice anything different?

I decided it was time to smarten things up around here, so I've installed a brand new template. I hope you like it! Layout and navigation-wise it hasn't changed much, but it looks more professional and a lot neater than before. Hopefully you'll find it more aesthetically pleasing too. I know I do!

New Blog Template from Pipdig

I bought the template from Pipdig, and would recommend them to anyone in the market for a blog refresh, especially those as technically-challenged as me. Not only do they have a great selection of beautiful, reasonably priced designs, they will also install one for you on request (in super quick time, in my experience) and there's the possibility of customising the existing templates as well.

All in all I'm thrilled with the new look and I'm hoping it's going to inspire me to create lots of new content to do it justice! Stay tuned!

Kate x


  1. Your page looks lovely Kate, you can't go wrong with a simple and classic design :) a redesign also keeps you feeling inspired too I feel!

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

  2. Love the design of your blog! How amazing are Pipdig?! I used them for my blog too - such a good service x (thanks for commenting on my blog - for some reason I can't reply!!)

  3. This is a really well designed site. So clean! I love it :) good job! xx


  4. Your blog template looks great! So sleek and minimalist, it makes all the focus go to your post which is great! <3

    xx Bash | Bash Says Hey | bloglovin'

  5. Very chic and elegant layout! Pipdig are so helpful aren't they, they installed mine in an instant, way quicker then I ever could! Haha. x

    Hannah x | hannatalks

  6. lovely layout :) it's very neat indeed and easy to navigate :) <3


  7. Sometimes a little design change makes the biggest difference. The simpler the better. I love it!

    :] // ▲ itsCarmen.com ▲

  8. Don't know what your page was like before, but your new one is easy to navigate!

  9. We have the same template! I love how professional it looks which is the reason why I bought it ^_^


    1. Yes I thought it must be the same one when I came across your blog the other day! I actually found it difficult to choose as I loved so many of the templates, but this one makes me happy about my blog every time I open it up, so it was definitely a good choice! x


Blogger Template Created by pipdig