Thursday, 19 February 2015

The Only Two Lipsticks You'll Ever Need?

Imagine that, from now on, you had to live the rest of your life with only two lipsticks. Once you had finished rolling on the floor shrieking "NOOOO!!!" you would probably pick one nude and one bright, am I right? Me too. Whenever I'm trying to pack light - and packing has featured pretty highly in my life of late - this is the kind of soul searching question I ask myself. And I reckon that if I absolutely had to, I could make do pretty well with these two beauties.

The Nude - Maybelline Color Sensational in Tantalizing Taupe (725)

Maybelline Color Sensational in Tantalizing Taupe (725)

Maybelline Color Sensational in Tantalizing Taupe (725) FOTD

As much as I love Rimmel's Nude Delight, after careful consideration I think I would go for a pink-based nude if I could only have one. This is a fabulous contender. It feels creamy on the lips, has a lovely sheen to it, and the colour is just right. There are some pinky nudes that look gorgeous swatched on your hand, but on the lips are so close to your natural colouring that there doesn't seem much point in applying them. Obviously this will be different for everyone but Mac Patisserie is a great example of this for me. Tantalizing Taupe, on the other hand, is different enough to make it look like I'm wearing lipstick but still definitely a nude, if that makes sense. The staying power of this is not the greatest, but if you don't mind re-applying then I totally recommend it.

The Bright - L'Oreal Color Riche Pure Reds Collection in Blake's Pure Red

L'Oreal Color Riche Pure Reds Collection in Blake's Pure Red

L'Oreal Color Riche Pure Reds Collection in Blake's Pure Red FOTD

Everyone and their Aunty seems to be obsessed with this lipstick right now and I am definitely no exception. My sister bought it when we were shopping together just before Christmas, and I was so jealous I had to go back and get it for myself. I think it's the beautiful ruby shade that makes it so special. There's a lot of orangey reds around at the moment, which are also gorgeous, but this is slightly unusual in being more of a pinky red. One word of warning - it's not the easiest to apply. I've slapped it on direct from the tube for the purposes of this photo but it really needs a lip pencil and a lip brush to get the best result. Also, you need to blot and reapply. And then blot and reapply. And then blot some more. It will transfer all over the place otherwise. Still, the finished result is well worth the trouble. The velvety matte finish combined with the stunning colour make you feel all opulent and super glamorous - just like Blake herself!

What do you think of these lipsticks? And what would you pick if you could only have two? I'd love to know!

Kate x


  1. Oh my Kate, both lip shades look absolutely STUNNING on you. You've chosen well. I however would NOT be able to live with only two lipsticks. Choosing them would already be a very long process, haha.

    X Alice

    1. Thank you! I know, it would be a total nightmare scenario wouldn't it? X

  2. Pretty shades ! I prefer a bold lip on myself, I love nudes but for some weird reason they always end u p for disappointing me, maybe I still haven't found the perfect nude lipstick. I would pick a red and a fuchsia color then. Kisses

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    1. I used to feel exactly this way about nude lipsticks! Keep persevering as you might just find one you love! Ooh yes, fuchsia. I'd miss that! x

  3. Ah, these are both beautiful lipsticks and suit you so well! I really need to start wearing red a lot more as I tend to do smokey eyes and want a nude lipstick…..need a change!!!

    Hope you're well hun! :)

    Layla xx

    1. Yes I am thank you and hope you are too! I love switching between different makeup looks - any excuse to play with new products! x

  4. I also have Nude Delight and although I like it, I've realised I also prefer pink based nudes. Tantalizing Taupe looks gorgeous. I'm seriously tempted. :)

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  5. I loved reading this!
    Both shades look lovely on you :)
    I wouldn't be able to decide which ones I'd pick!

  6. Absolutely can't go wrong with a good red and nude! Love both shades on you lovely! Great read

    Serene xoxo

  7. Both of these are absolutely stunning! You suit them both so well!<3

    Style Sunrise ☀


  8. Wow both are so beautiful! I have a thing for nudes so i love the first one more. Its just gorgeous on you ! BTW I am finally back to blogging :)

  9. I really like your selection and if I have to choose 2 shades of lipstick I'd pick 2 bright, because nude doesn't suit me :)

  10. Oh, both lipsticks look really pretty on you (:

    Nati xx

  11. I know this might be a little random but where's your top/ (if seen correctly) jumper from?? I really like the look of it from the photos :)

    Layla xx

    1. Hi Layla, yes it is a jumper and it's from Topshop. It's lovely and warm! I bought it a few months ago so don't know if it's still available or not. X

  12. Love the L'Oreal collection! Looks perfect on you too! Amazing post :)

  13. Oooh such gorgeous shades Kate! Loving both the nude and bright, they both look super stunning on you and work so well against your pretty complexion. I really love Sephora's "call girl" it's a bright, bold pop of pink and I'd be lost without it. And it smells like sweets, never a bad thing ;) My other lip pick would be a nudey lipgloss I have.

    p.s. your new blog layout is beyond beautiful <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  14. Hope you had amazing weekend, dear :)

  15. Yes yes I always pick one of each ( a nude, a pink and a red usually) when Im travelling. I can see why you love these kate - they look STUNNING on you!! Your gorgeous big pretty:) Ill have to check out tantalizing taupe - super pretty!!

  16. That red lipstick is so amazing, looks really good on you ♥

  17. Red and nude lipsticks are must-haves. But it's great to have more than those two.

    Jessica |

  18. Red and nude lipsticks are must-haves. But it's great to have more than those two.

    Jessica |

  19. Both shades are gorgeous,especially love the nude x
    han // emandhan xo


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