In my last post I promised to show you a few photos from my recent trip to Cyprus. This is going to be a bit of a mish-mash and fairly image-heavy, but here goes! Grab your passports and let's head off to the sunshine together. (Virtually speaking, of course.)
First stop, Limassol. When I first met my husband and started to get to know Cyprus, I didn't like this town, but I kind of love it now. If you prefer sleepy little resorts and unspoiled fishing villages, this is probably not the place for you, but I find the chaotic urban sprawl has a charm of its own. We were based here for the week and spent most of our time here. One of my favourite things to do was walk along this promenade.

We stopped every so often to take a quick outfit photo. As you do.
Dress - Miss Selfridge, Sandals, Bag - Topshop, Hat - Accessorize, Sunglasses - H&M, Watch - Jord
A lot of eating and drinking was done on this trip. In fact, I was so focused on the food that it almost never occurred to me to take any photos in restaurants. I definitely forgot to "think like a blogger" when mealtimes were involved! I did, however, manage to capture evidence that my chocolate milkshake obsession is still going strong, not to mention a chicken caesar salad the size of my head.
I'd heard about a new development at the Limassol Marina, with luxury villas, shops and restaurants being built, and I was curious to see it. Much of it was still under construction, but we had a good nose around anyway!
This place is clearly going to be the perfect spot to moor one's yacht once it's complete!
In the evenings, I found the drop in temperature from the heat of the day left me feeling like I wanted to cover up, much to the amusement of my husband, who was still boiling. I didn't get chance to take any proper outfit photos in this get-up, but here's a little Instagram snap to give you an idea of what I wore out to dinner most nights.
Jeans - River Island, Top - Oasis, Blazer - Zara, Shoes - New Look, Bag - Topshop (I'm obsessed with this bag. I only bought it recently, but I can only find the black version online at the moment and even that is currently out of stock! How dare they?!)
One thing Cyprus certainly has no shortage of is ancient sites. I've visited a few over the years but this was the first time I'd been to the Sanctuary of Apollo, near Limassol. It was deserted when we were there and we really made the most of having this amazing place to ourselves. You can walk along the pathways that would have been in use at the time and try to imagine the ruins on either side as fully functioning buildings. The Roman temple at the heart of it is just stunning.
Giving the menu in a fish restaurant some serious attention!
And that's pretty much how I spent my week! Have you visited Cyprus? Which are your favourite places?
Kate x