Tuesday, 2 June 2015

May Favourites

Favourites time again! It only seems like five minutes since I last wrote one of these posts. Where on earth does the time go? Anyway, I have once again whittled down my current loves to just five items. Perhaps this is going to become my thing? Who knows! In any case, here they are.

1. Benefit Gimme Brow - This was a free sample when I last got my brows waxed at the Benefit counter at my local Debenhams. If it hadn't been, I would probably never have tried it as it's so similar in concept to Maybelline Brow Drama, which in my opinion did nothing for me. This, however, really adds definition to my brows and keeps them from looking too "powdery" after I have used my Brow Zings palette. It's essentially like a mascara for eyebrows and is a good substitute for a tint, which is great for me as I'm allergic to them. My brows just don't feel finished without this now!

2. L'Oreal Infallible Mega Gloss in Protest Queen - I reviewed this here so I won't go on about it, but it's a lovely creamy lip gloss that's such a pleasure to wear. I've been slapping it on over a nude pink lipstick most days this month.

3. Jord Watch - Again, I wrote a whole post on this here. Basically, I didn't think I could possibly like a watch made out of wood until I saw one. Now it's permanently attached to my wrist.

4. River Island ripped jeans - I'm so late on the bandwagon with the whole slashed knee thing but boy am I giving it a good go now! I tend to live in jeans day to day as it is, and didn't really think that distressing would make that much of a difference to an outfit, but it really does. I especially love these paired with a really simple top as the slashes add an element of interest. I have a grey pair from Topshop now too, but these pale blue ones from River Island are that little bit more versatile.

5. Without You, There is no Us by Suki Kim - This month I've been reading this captivating account of one woman's experience working as a teacher in North Korea. It offers a rare insight into what life is like in this secretive state and is very poignant in parts. Kim describes in detail the relationship she develops with her young students, and it's both fascinating and sad to see how they are just like students anywhere else, yet so different at the same time. I usually much prefer reading fiction but I cannot put this down.

So that's this month's top five! Anything you like on my list? What have you been loving in May?

Kate x


  1. I feel the same about the brow gel Kate! I didn't think a gel would create much definition but I love how they make my brows look, not too heavy or drawn in!

    Thanks for the book recc as well, will be sure to check that out next on my Kindle :)

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

    1. It's such a good product isn't it? Hope you enjoy the book! x

  2. I'm looking for a new book to read, at the moment. That one sounds really interesting and unlike anything I've read before, so I'll have to pick it up! I've been loving my Laura Mercier Oil-Free Tinted Moisturiser recently, as it's so light and fresh during the warmer weather :)

    Alice / Alice Grace Beauty


    1. It's definitely a fascinating read. I've yet to try any Laura Mercier products but my sister recently got the primer and it looks great! x

  3. Gimme Brow is one of my holy grail products- love it! And I've been looking for a good pair of ripped jeans lately, so thanks for the recommendation!

    She Likes to Shop

    1. You're welcome - these have got a lovely stretch to them! x

  4. That book sounds so insightful, I may add it to my to-read list :) I love my Jord watch too, lovely favourites!

    Style Sunrise☀


    1. Hope you enjoy the book if you do decide to read. The watches are gorgeous aren't they?! x

  5. I've got a pair of white ripped at the knee skinnies that is literally second skin right now! Lovely post, I may just try Benefit's gimme brow. Xx

    Shaqinah || Shoes & Roses

    1. I want some white ones! Do try it, it's so good! x

  6. These all sound great! Thanks for sharing!
    Melanie @ meandmr.com

  7. Fantastic faves dear! Hope you have a lovely day.

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  8. I'm loving these :) I actually just saw that wood watch review and post and let me just say, it is so stylish and looks so amazing! I love the contrasting color of the blue. Also, I'm also on that ripped jeans bandwagon. I've been trying to get my hand on a pair and managed to buy one at Topshop but it gave me that awkward diaper butt (if that makes sense)
    I've never heard of that book but it sounds so interesting! I'll definitely check it out :)

    ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡ Creme de la Chic ♥ ♡ ♥ ♡

    Hope you're having a beautiful day! xx

  9. Oh wow, that watch is made out of wood? It looks so pretty, love the design!


  10. Gimme Brow has been a massive favourite as well. Such a good product for natural looking brows. x

    Renata | Speaking Beauty UK

  11. I can't find any ripped jeans that suit me! I like your jeans and your new watch is so cool! :) xx

  12. I see this watch on so many blogs now (: It just looks so lovely! Love your favorites
    Nati xx

  13. I am not surprised that watch has become a favourite of yours. I loved that post and the watch was just breathtaking!

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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