Friday, 23 September 2016

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 1

Truth be told, I've always hated being made to feel that there's some reason why I can't wear something. Whether it's because of my height, my shape, my colouring or my age, the thought of dismissing beautiful clothes because I "just can't pull them off" really niggles me. Now I'm not saying that I think I can wear absolutely anything, but I do think that most of us can wear more than we think we can - it's all about how we wear it. In other words, I think you can do a heck of a lot with styling. So when Boohoo got in touch to ask if I'd like to take part in their dress of the month campaign, in which a group of bloggers are challenged to style up a dress they had no say in choosing, I jumped at the chance. In fact, I was kind of hoping that the dress I got sent would be something I'd never usually dream of wearing, just so that I could put my styling theory to the test.
 Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 2

And then it arrived. A stunning, floral print, wraparound maxi, it was exactly the sort of thing I'd have picked out myself, given the chance. Was I disappointed that it wasn't more of a challenge? Well... no. If I'm honest, the dress is so beautiful that I was just thrilled to have received it!

Dark florals are ideal for this transitional time of year, and with sleeves rolled up and pretty sandals, it works really well as a late summer piece. As it gets cooler, I'll wear the sleeves long and add tights, ankle boots and a leather jacket.

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 3 - Topshop Mustard Mules

Although it's a maxi dress, it stops just above the ankle, which immediately suggested "statement shoes" to me when it came to styling. These fabulous Topshop mustard mules - which by the way are one of my latest obsessions - fit the bill perfectly. Mules aren't the most flattering of trends, and in fact, I avoided them completely back in the nineties when they were last popular. But the high heel and pretty colour of these somehow seduced me, and now I can't get enough of them. I love them with this dress, but they look equally fab with jeans. They're also easy to walk in, which I wasn't expecting - always a bonus!

As well as the mules, I went for another nineties trend when styling this dress - the velvet choker. Now this I loved back in the day - I can remember having quite a few of them in different colours. It's been so much fun to revisit this trend - turns out I still love it!

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 4 - Velvet Choker

As for the little black Zara bag, it's been in my collection for years and goes with just about everything. You've seen this little beauty on the blog many times before!

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 5

Dress* - Boohoo, MulesChoker - Topshop, Bag (similar) - Zara

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 6

This dress is actually the first piece from Boohoo I've ever owned, which frankly makes me wonder what I have been doing with my life. The quality and fit is great, and at £22 I think it's a real bargain. And judging by the mouthwatering selection of dresses they have on offer, I don't think it's going to be long before Boohoo and my wardrobe become more intimately acquainted.

Oh, and although I wasn't told the names of the other bloggers taking part in the challenge, I happened to discover that the lovely Alina was one of them, so make sure you check out her take on the dress if you haven't already.

Bloggers X Boohoo Dress of the Month OOTD 7

What do you think of Boohoo's dress of the month? How would you style it?

Kate x

*Dress sent to me for review. All opinions, as always, are my own.


  1. I have just gone and ordered this dress after seeing this post - it looks absolutely gorgeous on you!!! x
    Sophie Cliff

    1. Ah so glad you liked it Sophie! Hope you enjoy wearing the dress. x

  2. You suit this dress so well Kate, the colour and style paired with the yellow mules are gorgeous! I get nervous trying new styles but I think it's good to have fun and wear things that make you feel good :)

    Hanh | Hanhabelle

    1. I totally agree Hanh! I always think there's no harm in trying, because you might just find something you hadn't considered before that looks amazing. Glad you like the dress and shoes together - I was going to go for the red mules, but I'm so pleased I chose the yellow! x

  3. I think you styled this dress so well! You look stunning and simply beautiful. Also, I can relate to the feeling of not being able to pull something off and I hate it. But like you said, it's all about how you wear it :)

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

    1. Thank you so much Leta! And yes, we shouldn't give up too easily if we really want to wear something - there's usually some way to make it work! x

  4. I love this! These are my favourite style of dresses right now, and I always used to be scared of them! I didnt think I could pull them of at all! I recently picked one up very similair to this one from topshop and i. am. in. love!!!

    Erin | Little Bateaux

    1. Ah I love it when that happens! A perfect example of why we should keep on trying new things! I think shirt style maxi dresses are brilliant - easy to wear and they always look smart too. x

  5. I love how you styled the dress, Kate! The shoes make a real statement despite the dress being already an eye catching piece :)
    I've seen how Alina styled it too :) Such a fun project! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Thanks Dagmara! And yes, definitely a fun project - I thought it was such a cool idea. x

  6. These photos are beautiful!! Totally agree about wearing what you want! Would love if you could check out my new fashion post? XX

    The Fashion
    Instagram @louisefrancescaa

  7. I love them shoes! This is a lovely outfit!!

    Darriyan xo

    1. Thanks so much! I'm currently wearing the mules at every opportunity. x

  8. I saw Alina styling this dress too and you both look amazing! I have never been fond of floral but this dress is gorgeous.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

  9. Your photos are gorgeous and you look lovely!

    Lauren Ashleigh xx

  10. Such a pretty dress and you look beautiful :)

  11. That's such a lovely dress! Love the choker and the sandals too! <3

  12. I think that it's super pretty and the shoes go great with it!

  13. The dress is absolutely goreous! I love how you styled it :)

    What about following each other? :)

    Caro x

  14. The floral dress is stunning! And the shoes are to die for too!

    1. Thanks Poppy - I'm in love with both of them! x

  15. You've styled that dress so well - the print looks gorgeous on you!
    Ambar x | Her Little Loves
    ENTER MY GIVEAWAY: Win A CaseApp Gift Voucher!

  16. I'm in love with this outfit! It's great that you opted for bright yellow mules to play up the fun print.


  17. Oh wow I absolutely love the shoes you picked to go with this, you look great :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

  18. Love the print of the dress...
    The yellow shoes are so pretty

  19. wow so lovely dress. I love print dress. I love to buy muslimah salwar suits to wear in arabic countries. Thanks for sharing.

  20. SOOOO in love with this dress. The floral prints are so beautiful.


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