Thursday, 26 May 2016

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize

I'm really excited about today's post. For one thing, it features a great giveaway for my UK readers, in which one of you could win a lovely Debenhams bra. The one in this box, to be precise!
 Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 1
 Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 2 24 hour strapless bra

It's their 24 hour strapless bra, which is so comfortable to wear and perfect for this summer's shoulder baring trends, but I'll tell you more about it, and how to win it, at the end of the post.

I'm also excited because a few weeks ago, I was invited to take part in the Debenhams Bra Fit Challenge, along with fellow bloggers Sian, Katie, Hollie, Heather and Jessica. For whatever reason, it seems that many women just aren't getting themselves properly fitted for bras, so in order to raise awareness, Debenhams asked the five of us to pop in to see whether we were wearing the right size, and to blog about our experience afterwards. Wearing the wrong bra size can create an unflattering silhouette and spoil the look of your outfit, and can even cause headaches and backache due to lack of proper support, as well as saggy boobs and the ever so attractive "four boob effect", with breasts spilling out of a too-small bra. It's so important to a woman's confidence to wear the right size bra, and that's why I'm so pleased to have been asked to help spread the word about getting properly measured.

Now, I had actually been for a bra fit before my wedding a few years ago, so I was fairly confident that I would be wearing the right size bra. (Before that, I definitely wasn't!) Nevertheless, my Debenhams fitter - a lovely, friendly lady who set me at my ease right away - still had plenty to teach me. For a start, did you know that if you're wearing a very padded bra, you probably need to go up a cup size, because the padding takes up so much space in the cup? Me neither! I also learned that when you buy a new bra, it should fit you snugly when fastened with the outermost set of hooks on the band. Over time, the fabric will stretch, and you can tighten it by switching to the middle hooks and eventually the innermost hooks. By the time the bra no longer feels snug on the innermost hooks, it's time to buy a new one! Finally, my fitter advised me that not being able to find your exact size doesn't necessarily rule out a particular bra. Once you know what your size is, you can always experiment, for example, by going down a cup size if the back size is too large.

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 3

(Image supplied by Debenhams)

I was astonished to learn that the number of women wearing the wrong bra size is actually increasing. Debenhams bra fitters across the country have noticed that while in 2013, 7 out of 10 women were wearing the wrong size bra, that number has now risen to 8 out of 10. Apparently, the main reason for this is that a growing number of women are turning to online guides to gauge their bra size, while there is quite simply no substitute for getting properly measured by a professional fitter. Debenhams also recommends having a fitting every six months, as any fluctuations in weight, for whatever reason, can have an impact on your bra size.

So are you wearing the right size? Here's how to find out!

  • The centre of your bra should sit flat against your chest
  • Wires should fully encompass your bust and sit around the breast - not on it (i.e. no wires poking at your breast tissue)
  • Bust should be fully contained within the cups (no bulging out of the top of the cup, creating a "four boob effect"
  • Make sure you have enough space to fit two fingers underneath the back strap
  • You shouldn't have shoulder indents - these are caused by over-tightening of straps when you're not getting enough support from the band.
You can also check the Debenhams Bra Fitting Guide to see how your bra... well, measures up!

If you think you might be wearing the wrong size bra, or even if it's just been a while since you were last measured, then it probably makes sense to go for a fitting. If you're in the UK then I can't recommend Debenhams enough for this, as their fitters are thoroughly trained and really do their best to make you feel comfortable. Apparently, many women are under the impression that getting fitted for a bra means going bra-less in the changing room, which simply isn't the case. And while it still might feel a little daunting at first, it's worth remembering that whatever your body hang-ups - and we all have them - the fitters have seen it all before! In my case, once I started to get distracted by all the pretty lingerie there was to try on, I totally got over my initial awkwardness of standing in front of the fitter in my bra! And once you see the difference a well-fitting bra makes to your posture and the way your figure looks, it will definitely be worth it.

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 4 24 Hour Strapless Bra

And now for the giveaway! Debenhams have very kindly offered one of their 24 hour strapless bras for one of you to win. They gave one to me too, and let me tell you, it's a cracker.

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 5 24 Hour Strapless Bra

Every woman should own at least one bra like this. Nude in colour and totally seamless, it can be worn under absolutely anything. It has detachable straps, which is brilliant because you can wear it day to day, say with office wear - it's incredibly useful as a regular bra - and then remove the straps when you want to wear sleeveless or strapless dresses and tops. If you're planning on rocking the off the shoulder trend this summer then this bra will serve you very well indeed!

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 6 24 Hour Strapless Bra

It's comfortable to wear and stays up beautifully without the straps - there's nothing worse than continually having to hoik up a strapless bra! I'm not an expert in bra engineering but I'd say this one works so well because of the sturdy, wide supportive band and the almost foam-like full cups that just seem to keep the bust firmly contained. There's also a sheen to the fabric which adds a certain prettiness. This is a nice touch considering that there's no embellishment on the bra whatsoever. It's not padded, but gives you a lifted, natural look. It's quickly become the most useful bra in my collection and I would imagine many women would feel the same about it.

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 7 24 Hour Strapless Bra

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 8 24 Hour Strapless Bra

Debenhams Bra Fit Campaign Plus Giveaway! #knowyoursize 9 24 Hour Strapless Bra

Want to win it? Then you'll need to know the terms!

  • This giveaway is UK only. Apologies to all my non-UK readers - I will have to do a non-UK giveaway soon!
  • The prize is for the Debenhams 24 Hour Strapless Bra only
  • The bra is available in sizes 32-36 B-DD and 38 B-D and is worth £25 - prize is subject to availability
  • The prize is non-transferable, non-refundable and non-negotiable. No cash alternative is available
  • Debenhams Retail PLC will not be liable for any prizes which are lost, delayed or damaged in the post for reasons beyond their control
So if you're based in the UK, the bra is available in your size and you would like to be in with a chance of winning, here's what you need to do:

  • Follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Bloglovin
  • Leave me a comment below to let me know you've done so and leave your usernames
And that's it! I will pick a winner at random on Friday 24th June and get in touch via Twitter to grab their details, which I will then pass on to Debenhams so they can dispatch the prize. Best of luck everyone!

Kate x


  1. I used to wear the wrong size for ages, it was only after my first pregnancy (age 35!) that I was properly fitted and the difference it made was amazing. At the moment it is still nursing bras for me, but once everything has settled a bit, I need to get re-fitted. I don't ever want to wear the wrong size again.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

    1. I feel the same. The size I was wearing before my wedding couldn't have been more wrong and I couldn't believe how much better I felt once I had the right size on! x

  2. Great campaign!!

    Take care doll, it's nearly Friday! Ps: I'm hosting a Giveaway. I'd love if you entered!

  3. I have never been fitted so god knows if I'm wearing a wrong size all this while! I guess I should get myself fitted, eh? And what a lovely giveaway, Kate, wish it was international. Good luck everyone!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Ah sorry about that! And yes, I would really recommend getting fitted. The first time I went, I was convinced I had guessed the right size by myself and really, I couldn't have been more wrong! x

  4. I've been fitted a few times but still really struggle to find a bra in my proper size so I have no choice but to shop online... such a shame, as it's always a bit of a gamble to see if it will fit me. Great post, I might give Debenhams another go soon and see if they've got anything in my size.

    1. I take a really small back size which is difficult to find also - it's such a pain when you find something you like and then find there's no size to fit you! You can always try going down a cup size to accommodate a too-large back size though, and vice versa. x

  5. Just by the look you can already tell how comfy this bra must be! Am living in Germany therefore I'm out ;) (used to live in UK though, does that count too? Lol, just a joke!) Happy Friday gorgeous <3

    1. It really is a good bra! Haha, sadly that doesn't count! Really sorry I couldn't make this giveaway international. x

  6. What a great giveaway! Plus I just learned so much about bras that I didnt know! I just followed you on all the sites using @itsjuliaanne for Insta, @Sprinklesandsat for Twitter and Sprinkles & Saturdays for Bloglovin! Have a lovely weekend :)


  7. I think underwear essential element of a woman's wardrobe. Advertising Debenhams reveals that female beauty can be different! Cool model of bra.

    Sincerely, Stacy from

  8. What a lovely campaign and giveaway!. I remember when I was a teenager, I used to work at a lingerie place and we had training on fitting. Before then, I had been wearing the wrong size, but since then, I've always got fitted properly. It definitely makes a difference. x/Madison

  9. I have been wearing the wrong size too before having a proper fitting three or four years ago. It is so difficult to find your size especially with wired bras, I hate them so much and at the end of the day I cannot wait to get home and take it off haha. I didn't know that when trying a padded bra you must go up, thanks for the info :)


  10. I really need to get re-measured, I haven't for ages and I don't even own a comfortable bra haha!

  11. It's so common that women don't wear the right size! And it seriously takes only few minutes to be measured properly. I like how this bra looks like, sad that the giveaway is only open in Uk :/

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  12. This is such a great bra! They need to be comfortable!

  13. I only got measure last year when I was working at Victoria's secret. I didn't know Debenhams also offer bra fitting. Thats a right good bra too. looks right comfy.x

  14. Great post! Love the sound of their 24h strapless bra...luckily, I think I'm actually fitted properly :) Have a great weekend!
    Christina ♥

  15. This is gorgeous - love the campaign!! It can be hard for some people to find the right bra size and I love the strapless version, especially with summer on the way and strapless tops and dresses, works lovely! :)

    Hope you're well hun and have a lovely week ahead :)

    Layla xxx

  16. This is such a helpful post, thanks for sharing. xx


  17. I wore the wrong size for most of my life until last year when I went bra shopping and the woman asked for size I was looking for and when I told her she just kept nodding and telling me it's wrong hahah. She changed my boob life forever and now bras fit and look much better now! What a great post btw!

    Stacey +

  18. Such an important topic to cover Kate, it's so wonderful you're a part of this challenge! I loved reading this post, so informative and makes me realise I really must go and get fitted! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  19. Sounds like a great bra! Good luck to everyone who can enter the giveaway! :)

    Every time I go shopping for new bras I get myself measured - really is so important to have the right size! At the moment I'm just in nursing bras, but once breastfeeding is over and things have settled back down I'll be going to get fitted again. I'm sure like last time after breastfeeding, my size will have changed!

    Away From The Blue Blog

  20. Great post! I looks like the sort of bra you could wear under anything!

    I am entered I was already following you on most platforms, Norway might come up as my address on some platforms but am currently in the UK (Just incase I get lucky and theres any confusion ;) ) My usernames are chrissyannej for both instagram and twitter and chrissyjohansen for bloglovin

    Great post!

  21. There's not much better in life than a comfortable well fitted bra! I get myself measured nowadays and noticed a huge difference comfort wise when I did. Lovely giveaway 😊 my Twitter name is @Beachdrifter74

  22. I need this bra in my life! Have always struggled to find a comfortable strapless bra that fits well ��
    Twitter: loulabella77, Instagram: lourawson, Bloglovin: louiserawson

  23. I've been seriously 'upping my game' when it comes to supportive bras/sports bras lately after reading so much new info on the longterm damages of wearing ill-fitting bras! You're right, this would be fab for wearing underneath off-the-shoulder tops, count me in! :) My username is @aglassofice across all channels and I've (of course) been following you for a million years now haha. x

  24. I think I need to get properly fitted. My current bra strategy is take a deep breath; try on 20 bras in every shop within 20 miles and hope I find one that feels comfortable. 8 hours later I get home and have a large glass of wine. I'm following you - I'm WickedFaerie on Twitter and Bloglovin and HelenHobden on Instagram.


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