Friday, 9 October 2015

Stormy Skies

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

My final post from Mallorca should give you a little taste of just how changeable the weather was while we were there. We had blazing hot sunshine... and full on thunderstorms too. These pictures were taken when some particularly threatening clouds were rolling towards us. But at least my dress was bright and cheerful!

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

I'm completely in love with this maxi shirt dress from Asos. If you read my Making a Statement post, this is the second dress I found when browsing Rosie's shop. Since then, I've actually seen Sammi from Beautycrush wearing it as well, so it's clearly a blogger favourite! It somehow manages to be both elegant and effortless at the same time, and attracts a lot of compliments. It was definitely the dress I enjoyed wearing most on holiday. 

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

Dress - Asos, Sandals - Accessorize

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

This particular little corner of Mallorca is very special to me and I have so many precious childhood memories from here. It's the perfect place for me to reflect on my life, the choices I have made and the things that are really important to me, and every time I visit, I end up leaving feeling more in touch with myself. This time, I did a lot of thinking about my blog. I've always been someone who needs a creative outlet in life, but I never expected that my little piece of the internet would come to be as important to me as it is. While my family means everything to me and I take pride in my work, my blog is who I am. Does that make sense? I'm sure it must do to all you fellow creatives! Even if I don't post as often as I'd like to, I'm always thinking about it, and I can't imagine ever giving it up. I'd feel like there was something vital missing from my life.

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

#OOTD - yellow maxi shirt dress from Asos

Anyway, enough philosophy! The resolve I made was that no matter how busy life gets, I need to always make time for this blog. Remind me of that next time I don't post for weeks due to work commitments!

Do you make resolutions on holiday? And what do you think of this dress?

Kate x


  1. First of all, love this dress on you! Second, the pictures are beautiful and the clouds make them more interesting :) Third, I totally understand your love for your blog because that's how I feel about mine, it's my greatest hobby and like another baby :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Thanks Dagmara! Glad you feel the same. :-) x

  2. I love the dress and the clouds are very menacing but make an awesome contrast! I haven't been to Mallorca but definitely want to! x

    Jasmin Charlotte

    1. You should! It's such a pretty island. x

  3. That dress is absolutely lovely on you and it's understandable why you like it so much. And I completely understand what you mean with the blog. Not only it's a creative outlet for me, it's also my hard work and to read each comment that I received is so satisfying and rewarding.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Thanks Shireen! And I totally agree - there's no better feeling than recognition of hard work. X

  4. I've only been blogging for six months, but I understand where you're coming from. My blog has been the platform with which I can really express and be who I am, as cliche as it sounds.

    I think your mustard dress is absolutely gorgeous against the stormy skies. You look lovely, Kate!

    May | THE MAYDEN

    1. Thanks May! Glad you feel the same about blogging. x

  5. I do make resolutions on holiday, but I struggle with keeping them once I am back to full working mode...

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  6. Wow! Love this post. Your outfit is to die for. You have some amazing skills in styling <3

  7. Looking so stunning, as always Kate, I'm in love with your dress!

    Thirteen Thoughts

  8. How what an amazing look and one of my favourite colours too. Love the location for photos.

  9. This dress looks so lovely on you! I really like the weather in your photos, it looks so cool! :) xx

    1. Thank you! I was kind of annoyed that the sun wasn't shining, but at least it made for some interesting photos! x

  10. I love the contrast between your yellow dress and the clouds. It's so unique. I visited Mallorca in March this year and loved it. xx

    Ally | - Shortlisted for #CosmoBlogAwards vote here

    1. Thanks Ally. It's such a beautiful island! x

  11. This dress is so gorgeous! I really love it. Also your hair is making me really want to cut mine, such a lovely style x

    1. Thank you! I never thought I'd like short hair but I've loved it since cutting it! x

  12. You look absolutely gorgeous and this dress makes this look so chic!
    Good to hear that you had amazing time there, this place is so beautiful!


  13. Precious dress, the color suit perfect on you, btw the place seems amazing!

  14. What a beautiful dress! You look lovely :)

  15. That is a beautiful dress and the stormy skies made the color really pop! Being so short, I have an impossible time finding maxi dresses.

    xo, Tina

  16. Love the photos! This color looks amazing on you as well!

    Heba xx || The HebaBloglovinInstagram

  17. Love this outfit! The color is gorgeous on you!

    Love Priya


  18. That dress is amazing! So beautiful! It's one of those dresses I would walk past in a shop without a glimpse.

    Great blog.

    Jodie @ Jodetopia x


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