Friday, 4 September 2015

Pampered Feet with Scholl

I'm a big fan of foot care products. I hate the thought of putting on a pair of strappy sandals and displaying unsightly cracked heels to the world! Through the summer, of course, our feet are on show more than usual, and I've been doing my best to keep mine in good condition. I've seen the Scholl Express Pedi advertised a few times and was seriously considering getting one, so I jumped at the chance when I was offered one to review, along with a few other Scholl foot care goodies.

Scholl Foot Care

It was the Express Pedi I was most excited about, so I ripped that open first. 

Scholl Express Pedi

Scholl Express Pedi

This was simple to start using straight away. Batteries were included, and the rough-surfaced roller was already attached. When you switch it on, this starts rotating and you roll it gently over any rough skin on the soles of your feet to exfoliate them. 

Let me be clear from the start - I LOVE this. I've tried manual foot files and I've tried cream exfoliators, but nothing has made my feet as soft as this little gadget has. I noticed a difference from the very first use, while even a couple of more stubborn areas have all but disappeared after using it every morning for the past week or so. 

You can pick one of these up from Boots for £39.99 and if you're considering it I really do recommend getting one. It's fairly expensive for a foot care product, but totally worth the money in my opinion. You can also buy replacement rollers at £12.49 for two.

Once your feet are nicely exfoliated, it's the perfect time to use a good moisturiser on them, and I've been trying out Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream.

Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream

Scholl Dry Skin Instant Recovery Cream

I like this. It's rich and effective, though not quite as thick as you think it's going to be, if that makes sense. It's a good, no-nonsense cream that does the job and I might well repurchase in the future. I don't think that this is better than Burt's Bees foot creams or The Body Shop peppermint foot cream, but it's certainly comparable in terms of quality and at £5.99 (again from Boots) it's cheaper too.

I was also sent Scholl Fresh Step Shoe Spray. 

Scholl Fresh Step Shoe Spray

This is a clever little product for summer. Ever felt your feet getting all sweaty inside your shoes on a hot day, leaving them smelling not quite as fresh as you would like? (Obviously we haven't, because our feet smell like roses at all times, but let's just imagine for a moment what that might be like.) One quick squirt of this inside your shoes eliminates any odours and leaves behind a fresh, subtle scent. A really nice thing to have, especially if you end up living in the same pair of plimsolls all summer, like me.

Finally, I was also sent a pack of Party Feet Gel Cushions.

Scholl Party Feet

Scholl Party Feet

Scholl Party Feet

If you haven't seen these before, they're little pads you can stick inside your shoes to cushion the balls of your feet and supposedly make wearing heels that little bit more comfortable. Now these are great in theory and I know a lot of people swear by them, but I've tried them a few times in the past and unfortunately have never found them to work for me. They still don't. If anything they take up room in my shoes and make me more uncomfortable. I think it's probably one of those things that depends on the shape/sensitivity of your feet and/or the particular shoes you are wearing. Can't win them all, I guess!

All in all I'm really impressed with Scholl's foot care products and the Express Pedi is a definite game changer. Prettier packaging would be nice, but I'd rather have effective products any day of the week, and these are certainly that.

Have you tried anything from Scholl?

Kate x

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  1. You can never go wrong with Scholl, I think! They are always top class and I've always thought that it's important that our feet look nice and feel nice and are, indeed, healthy, because they're one of the most important parts of our body!! It was such a nice post Kate xx

    Cristina, xo // My Cup of Tea

    1. Thanks Cristina! I agree - feet are very important! x

  2. I just ordered a similar one from a different brand from Amazon, cant wait to test it. My feet need some love before I go on summer vacation.

    Linda, Libra, Loca: Beauty, Baby and Backpacking

  3. Whenever I think of foot care products, I always think of Scholl - they just always seem to be the best and I can't tell you how many times 'Party Feet' have saved my life.. haha! :)

    I have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


    1. Yes, loads of people love party feet, I just wish they worked for me! x

  4. I am the complete opposite! I take care of my face, body and hands but neglects my feet. Eek! I'll need to check out all these products from Scholl, I think buying them is not a problem for me but making myself use them is the problem. LOL!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. I'm like that with a lot of things! I need better storage, where I can see what I've got and remember to use it! x

  5. I have been wanting to try some of these scholls products! fun review!

  6. Never use this product before, but I think I gotta try it soon!


  7. thanks for sharing! really want to try this!
    great post. following you<3

    1. You're welcome! Hope you enjoy it as I much as I do. x

  8. Oh i need to have one like this.
    Great review!
    The Bandwagon Chic | Instagram | Bloglovin | Snapchat: bandwagonchic

  9. I have been wanting to try out that foot thing for a while now! I just might go and test it out now!


  10. Having seen this, I'd definitely try the Express Pedi. I tried the Party Feet before and they didn't do much for me either

    Suze | LuxuryColumnist

  11. These sound so worthwhile! I love the idea of the party feet cushions, especially as feet can get so achy when you're out for a night. Shame they didn't work so well for you though, I'm glad you found the Express pedi was better. Scholl always do such promising products <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  12. Thank youuuuuuuuu ♥ I really have to try eheh :)

  13. I've never found party feet to work for me either, but oooh I had no idea they did a shoe spray!! I totally need to try that with my climbing shoes (attractive? me? ;))

    Style Sunrise☀


  14. Great review :) I keep seeing the Express Pedi and wonder whether it's worth the price tag. I definitely think I need to give it a go!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  15. The Express Pedi is definitely something I would benefit from! As "eww" as it is to talk about my feet, I definitely have issues with cracked heels, hard skin and callouses that this sounds like it would help with :) Great post xx

    Brenda BusyBee

  16. These products all sound really good! I'll have to give them a try :) xx

  17. Great review! I'm actually using gel pads like those too on my heels. It makes walking in high heels a little less painful. There's still pain in my case but bearable :)


  18. Love this <3


  19. This is such a lovely review, I actually wanted to try that Express Pedi tool for a while now, one of my friends has it and she can't stop raving about how great it works. I love your bracelet btw!

    Thirteen Thoughts

  20. My feet can get really dry this time of the year so I'd love to try this Scholl Pedi machine. I already use their creams and love them. x

    Win an UD Naked Palette (1,2,3 or Smoky) or an Anastasia Contour Kit

  21. First off, those shoes are amazing!
    My Mother has the scholls and she loves it! Used it often for utterly smooth feet. I so need one.

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog


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