Thursday, 17 September 2015

Making a Statement

I hope you like a good backstory behind an outfit, because that's what you're about to get!

A little while ago, I was contacted by Happiness Boutique, who wanted to know if I'd like to review one of their necklaces. I knew straight away the sort of thing I wanted. I already have delicate pieces and heavier, statement ones, but for a while now I've been noticing a different kind of statement necklace about. Less chunky, more intricate, and absolutely gorgeous when worn with a little black dress with a plunging neckline. I've seen looks like this on TV/social media fairly recently, and they've stuck in my head. In fact, I wanted to wear something similar for my sister's hen party, but I didn't manage to find quite the right dress on time.

As far as the necklace goes, however, I found exactly what I was looking for on Happiness Boutique's website - this little stunner.

Statement necklace from Happiness Boutique

It arrived promptly, and I absolutely loved how beautifully and thoughtfully it was packaged.

Statement necklace from Happiness Boutique

Statement necklace from Happiness Boutique

Statement necklace from Happiness Boutique

They even included this little bookmark. I love this Anne Frank quote. Couldn't agree more.

Statement necklace from Happiness Boutique

One of the many things I love about blogging is discovering brands I've never heard of before. Sometimes you wonder "who the heck is this contacting me" and sometimes you find an absolute gem, and Happiness Boutique definitely falls into the latter category. The detail of this necklace is exquisite and in my opinion the quality far surpasses the £13.15 price tag. They have a huge selection, and I think it's fairly safe to say that I'll be visiting their site again next time I'm in the market for a nice piece of costume jewellery.

Now all I needed was the perfect dress to pair it with. After quite a bit of searching, I finally found it, and it's probably one of my favourite dresses I've ever owned.

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

Dress - Goldie, Shoes - Topshop, Necklace - Happiness Boutique, Bag - Zara

Now I'd love to tell you that I found this dress all by myself, but I didn't. And at the risk getting boring by going on about a favourite blogger (Rosie from The Londoner) yet again, I want to give credit where it's due. Have you ever checked out the shop section of Rosie's blog before? Well, if like me you're a fan of her style, you definitely should. There's a lot of gorgeous designer labels to drool over, not to mention dozens of more affordable pieces stocked by the likes of Asos, such as this dress. Asos is a real treasure trove, but it can be overwhelming to browse there due to the sheer quantities of their stock. Rosie's shop seems to take all the hard work out of finding the best pieces, and to let you into a little secret, this wasn't the only dress I bought! Maybe you'll see the other one in another post soon.

This one is fairly "dressy", but I'd definitely wear it for a party or even just a really nice restaurant. (Any excuse to get glammed up!) The fabric is heavy and substantial, which gives it a lovely, luxurious feel. Add the necklace and you've definitely got some wow-factor going on.

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

Then, of course, there's the fringing, which just makes you want to swish. 

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

And swish.

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

And swish a little bit more.

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

#OOTN featuring Goldie black dress, Topshop shoes and necklace from Happiness Boutique

Yep, this outfit definitely makes me happy enough to make others happy!

Oh, and before I forget, you might be interested to know that Happiness Boutique offer free shipping worldwide, not to mention a Customer Reward Programme. You can find all the details via the link, but to summarise, you can collect points by making purchases, writing reviews and sharing photos on social media. Points can be saved up to receive free gifts. Yet more reason to be happy!

Do you prefer statement or delicate jewellery, or a mix of both? What's your favourite piece?

Kate x


  1. What a lovely statement necklace & such a lovely concept behind the online boutique :) I love your dress Kate you look stunning!

    Serene xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Serene! I love their philosophy too. x

  2. What a stunning necklace, Kate! I reckon you can get away wearing that necklace with just a plain shirt too, yea? (Casual wear)? heeee, I am a casual wearer. I hardly dress up on a daily basis hehe :) I love the wear you put together the necklace & your outfit :) xx

    Hana | Bold Expression

    1. Oh yes, I reckon this necklace would look just as fab with jeans and a plain white shirt, t-shirt or jumper. I love that look too! x

  3. Love the dress and how you styled it with this necklace! You look beautiful! Need to check this website out as I love a good statement necklace :) x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Thanks Dagmara! They have an amazing choice. x

  4. LOVE the swishing! I know what you mean about the rise of bold yet intricate pieces, and, wow, this necklace is seriously stunning! You look amazing! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  5. I love your outfit! The dress and necklace go together perfectly! :) xx

  6. i much prefere statement myself,your whole outfit is just absolutely gorgeous and you look amazing x

  7. Hi gorgeous! Love the statement necklace you picked! Happiness Boutique has so many seriously beautiful accessories <3 And you look amazing in that classy yet funky LBD.

  8. Dammit, I shouldn't click on the Rosie's Shop link, now I want everything! You look absolutely lovely with the dress and that necklace matches it really well. Beautiful choice!

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Tell me about it! Thanks so much Shireen. x

  9. Amazing outfit and the necklace is BEAUTIFUL!

    Love Priya

  10. What a atunning and amazing statement necklace :)
    Love it!
    xx Katha

  11. Very pretty! This necklace looks so good with the dress :)


  12. Yes! Yes, yes, yes! I love a good statement necklace with plunging necklines; you look so good, Kate! I've just recently received a piece from Happiness Boutique, too, and I'm loving it!

    May | THE MAYDEN | Bloglovin'

    1. Thanks May! Glad you love yours too. I think everyone who's received one has been impressed! X

  13. Love this necklace , looks perfect on this dress , You look stunning dear
    also check out my blog

  14. Wow that necklace is stunning! And the packaging, how sweet.
    You're gorgeous! Great dress,
    xo, Haylee

  15. What a beautiful necklace! ^^

  16. I love the necklace you picked. So unique!!! It compliments very well this lovely LBD! (PS: I would totally swing again any again too to make the fringes moving :) XX

    Ally | Glam O’Clock

    1. Thanks Ally! And glad I'm not the only one! X

  17. Looking like the most beautiful babe Kate! Seriously in love with your pretty necklace, adds the most gorgeous, gorgeous touch to your already stunning outfit! I love the necklace and its delicacy, it's really impactful but with just the right amount of statement. A sure fire Hollywood worthy red carpet look! <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  18. Beautiful necklace! I love how you styled it

  19. That is a gorgeous necklace :) I think I need to order myself one!

    Natalie Ann xo // Petal Poppet Blogs ♥

  20. The necklace is gorgeous and so are you in that beautiful outfit! ;)

  21. The necklace looks gorgeous as well as your outfit :) I like delicate and statement necklaces, it depends on how I am feeling that day.

    -Leta | The Nerdy Me

  22. I love Happiness Boutique, this is such a beautiful necklace and I love how you've styled it!
    Have a lovely weekend :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  23. You look stunning! Great dress and great necklace! Beautiful Anne Frank quote...

  24. That necklace is absolutely fabulous! And the dress you styled it with is so pretty! You always look amazing!

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

  25. Your whole look is perfection here, that necklace paired with that fringe dress is lovely!

    ISA Professional


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