Wednesday, 17 January 2018

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 1

A lot of people aren't too fond of January, and I can understand why. All the festive sparkle of Christmas is over, yet we still have to deal with the long, cold dreary days and even longer dark, dreary nights. But I must confess, I kind of like this time of year. It's a time for new beginnings, for looking back at the achievements of the past twelve months and setting goals for the twelve to come. And I'm pretty much addicted to setting goals! I get a real buzz from that "New Year, New Me" feeling, and this year is definitely no exception - especially as I've had a little help from TK Maxx.

For me, the New Year is all about re-evaluating where I'm headed with my blog, and having started my YouTube channel at the end of 2017, I could not be feeling more motivated. I really want to grow on both platforms this year, and that means buckling down, getting focused, and creating as much inspiring and exciting content as I possibly can. With that in mind, I popped into my local TK Maxx the other day and picked up one or two little treats that should help to make my work space a much more appealing place to be. After all, a beautiful, well-organised desk is bound to foster more productivity than a messy one, no?!

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 2

I have an obsession with notebooks, and get through them at the speed of light. Whether I'm making lists, planning blog posts or working out my strategy for world domination, my favourite tools for the task are always a cute notebook and pen. I managed to pick up a gorgeous notebook*, complete with inspiring quote on the front cover, for just £4.99, which is a fabulous price - you'd be looking at three times that in a fancy stationery shop - as well as a pack of super pretty gold pens* for £7.99.

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 3

This pack of desk essentials* really caught my eye. Containing a couple of smaller notebooks - you can never have too many! - plus some pretty stickers to brighten up their pages, handy little clips and more, it's packed full of useful bits and pieces and was a real bargain at £6.99. Likewise, this desk tidy* (£4.99) is sure to come in handy to keep my desk free from clutter and is really decorative too.

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 4

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 5

The finishing touches were a couple of scented candles* to help create an inviting atmosphere to work in, and a faux succulent planter* to make my desk look pretty. I opted for a pink grapefruit scented candle to help me feel energised, as well as a lilac and wild jasmine one, which I chose because I love floral fragrances. They set me back a very reasonable £6.99 and £7.99 respectively, while the faux succulents were £6.99.

In total, I spent just under £50, and think I did very well for the money! I was spoilt for choice too, and if you fancy picking up some similar items, I'm sure you'll find something you like if you have a browse at TK Maxx's stationery, candles and faux flowers.

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 6

New Year, New Me, With A Little Help From TK Maxx - 7

Of course, not everyone's New Year goals are the same, but no matter what direction yours take, I'm still willing to bet that TK Maxx will have something you need to help them along. Lots of people love to set fitness related goals, and if that's you, you'll find a huge range of active wear to choose from. If you've decided that 2018 is the year you get into meditation and mindfulness, you'll find yoga mats, adult colouring books and of course scented candles. And if you just fancy pepping up your wardrobe, makeup drawer or living room... well, I don't think you need me to tell you that TK Maxx has a vast array of fashion, beauty and homeware, now do you? 

When January comes around, a lot of us are still feeling the pinch a little after all the Christmas spending, and the fact that TK Maxx offer great quality and big brand products at up to 60% off the RRP is another great reason to shop there. There's also no need to rush to catch the end of the January sales, as they simply don't do them. Instead, they offer amazing prices all year round - in store and online.

Have you set any goals for the New Year?

Kate x

*Gifted item. This post was sponsored by TK Maxx. All opinions, as always, are my own.


  1. I love stationary hauls!
    Cloe X

    1. Me too - you can't beat new stationery! x

  2. New stationery is always a good thing! You got some really lovely bits here - I need to have a mooch in TK Maxx! xx


    1. I was really impressed with the selection! x

  3. I agree with having nice stationary helps you feel organised and motivated, I have so many new notebooks to get through! I could spend ages in TKMaxx, obsessed with their home ware section :) I havn't really set any goals this years just lots on my to do list....!

    Hanh | This was lovely to read Joanne, aww knowing how to hold a new born baby is not easy! Also congrats on learning songs on the ukulele, I brought my sister one recently :)

    Hanh | hanhabelle

    1. It's going to be a busy year for you Hanh! x

  4. The new changes in the You Tube algorithm make me even more determined to grow my channel...

    Anne|Linda, Libra, Loca

    1. Yes! Doesn't affect me so much as I'm only just getting started, but I can imagine when you have spent time and effort building your channel and they suddenly move the goal posts - very frustrating! x

  5. I haven't popped into my local Winners store since December or at least not since my spending ban started. It's impossible to come out empty handed! LOL!

    Shireen⎜Reflection of Sanity

    1. Haha, best to avoid all temptation Shireen! x

  6. You got some really cute stuff! I love your planner! TJ Maxx and Home Goods are my favourites stores to buy stationary items!

    Effortlessly Sophisticated

    1. Thanks Jennifer! They had so much choice and the prices were fab! x

  7. Good luck with your goals and I hope you are able to grow both platforms. I don't think I am subscribed yet to your youtube channel but I will do it now, I heard yesterday that small youtubers are affected from their latest decisions and I want to support everyone.


    1. Thank you so much Yiota! Yes they have changed things, although as I have only just started it doesn't affect me too much just now. x

  8. I love TK Maxx - we've recently had a home sense open near us and it is fantastic!

    Beth | simplebutfarfrombasic

    1. Yes, Homesense is great too, I've only recently started exploring in there! x

  9. Keep up the good work.
    I love shopping at tkmaxx too :-)

    Love, Esther

  10. I'm a self-confessed stationery addict! I love popping into TK Maxx and seeing what cute things I can find and these are gorgeous. I will have to make a visit soon x

    1. I am too and I had no idea it was so good for stationery! Well worth checking out. x

  11. You picked some absolute beauties and that is fab for only £50. Those pens are so cute and I always rely on TK Maxx for all my candles. All the fanciness without the hefty price tags :) xxx

  12. I love your desk essentials Kate, Hope you're having a lovely new year so far, I do love the fact that this month is a month of new beginnings <3 and brings about new life goals! <3

    Serene | I Am Serene L

    1. Thanks Serene - can't beat that new start feeling! x

  13. Such dreamy desk essentials, I love the "life isn't about finding yourself it's about creating yourself" notebook, pure motivation and inspiration if ever I did see it :) Massive congrats on starting your Youtube channel last year Kate, I just know you'll succeed in everything you want to this year, I have every faith you'll smash all your goals <3 <3

    Sophie | soinspo xo

  14. ah I LOVE fun desk items! what a cute set!

  15. LOved this stationary . So beautiful desk essentials.

    Nina's Style Blog


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