Tuesday, 26 April 2016

Perfume Review - Miller Harris Vetiver Insolent

I always like to attend the events I'm invited to whenever I can, but sometimes it just isn't possible. The Thirty Plus event to celebrate the launch of Miller Harris's new perfume, Vetiver Insolent, was one I was really disappointed to have to miss, but I was thrilled when they offered to send me a bottle anyway.

Miller Harris is not a brand I'm familiar with, but it's London-based, and according to the website, blends the finest natural ingredients to create perfumes that combine Parisian elegance with London street style. Vetiver Insolent is their latest offering.

Perfume Review - Miller Harris Vetiver Insolent 1

I love the packaging. The simple green and black is really chic and elegant, and the etched floral design on the bottle is distinctive and looks great on my dressing table.

Miller Harris describes this fragrance as being "for the fearless" and I would definitely agree with that. I must confess that at first spritz, I didn't think I was going to like it. It's strong, very strong, and my initial impression was that it smelled more like an expensive room fragrance than something I wanted to wear on my skin.

And then it dried down, and I fell in love. It's a very sophisticated, grown-up scent - warm, earthy, and spicy. It also lingers for ages on the skin. This is definitely not one of those fragrances that vanishes into thin air after about twenty minutes, and I love that. If I'm going to wear perfume, then I want to be able to smell it!

Perfume Review - Miller Harris Vetiver Insolent 2

Describing fragrances is notoriously tricky and "warm, earthy and spicy" is the best I can do, so here's the fragrance notes for Vetiver Insolent from the Miller Harris website:

Top Notes - Bergamot Italy, Black Pepper, Elemi, Cardamom India

Heart - Iris, Lavandin Abs, Crisp Amber

Base - Vetiver Haiti, Tonka Bean, Moss

This perfume is really distinctive, and like nothing else I have in my collection. It also prompted my husband to ask what amazing scent I was wearing, so I'd say that definitely makes it a winner! All in all it's a great introduction to the Miller Harris brand and I'm curious now to try out more of their perfumes. I'm also very grateful to them and to Hayley from London Beauty Queen for arranging to let me have a sample.

Have you tried anything from Miller Harris? And what's the most distinctive perfume in your collection?

Kate x


  1. This sounds like a gorgeous perfume, it isn't a brand I've heard of either but I'd definitely like to give it a smell :)

    Rosy | Sparkles of Light Blog

    1. Since I started blogging I've discovered so many new brands - too many to count! x

  2. Perfume is quite a personal thing, it's always hard to say if you'd like something before actually trying it on your own skin. But from your review the scent sounds really intriguing, I like that it's also long lasting! x

    Mummy’s Beauty Corner

    1. Yes you're right, scent is very personal and subjective. I sometimes go by the ingredients - there are certain things I always seem to like the smell of - but that said you never really know until you actually try something. x

  3. Sounds like a lovely scent! :)
    - Ambar | Her Little Loves

  4. Replies
    1. It is! Always nice to add something a little different to your collection. x

  5. I don't know this brand, but it sounds like it could be worth trying, and the packaging is beautiful


    1. I'm interested to try some of their other fragrances now! I agree, the packaging is gorgeous. x

  6. Replies
    1. I'm not either usually! I would love to have a look at some of the other perfumes they do. x

  7. sounds a very nice parfume, I did not hear until now

    1. I think most people haven't heard of this brand! It is lovely though. x

  8. The scent that disappears after a short while is so accurate and so annoying! Now this perfume seems very interesting! Thanks for sharing and it was nice reading your post :D

    1. Thanks Ginatha, glad you enjoyed it! x

  9. Love the packaging!

    Take care doll! Kisses,

  10. Sounds lovely and I love the look of the bottle. Great review. Gemma x

  11. Lovely review, sounds like a perfume worth to try! Xx


  12. This looks so beautiful and elegant, from the pictures alone, you capture it so well! xx

    elizabeth ♡ ”Ice Cream” whispers Clara | (doing follow for follow on bloglovin or instagram)

  13. I've actually never heard of the brand, but I'm definitely intrigued by this kind of unique & strong scent. I'm quite fussy so I would have to try it out first before buying but It's good to hear that it lasts all day x

    Beauty with charm

    1. This is definitely one to try before buying I think. I love it, but can well imagine that some people might dislike it - it's certainly not unobtrustive! x

  14. usually I hate perfume reviews but this one was well written and lovely
    Stefanie | Casualllyawkward | Bloglovin'

    1. Haha, thank you! Glad you enjoyed it. x

  15. Great review! I have not heard of this barnd before but I would love to try it :)
    Would you like to follow each other? in G+ and Bloglovin?
    Let me know with a comment on my blog so I follow you :)

    1. Thanks Nuria! I will definitely check out your blog. x

  16. I love the elegant packaging too! Looks like a scent I would love to try =)

    - Cielo
    Mermaid in Heels

  17. I've never heard of the brand, well not in Asia but it's always great to discover new things. And the packaging is indeed, elegant.

    ♥ from www.expatpetite.blogspot.com

  18. Great review! Thanks for sharing!
    Love from www.trangscorner.com {a lifestyle, fashion, beauty, and food blog}

  19. I can't believe I've never tried any Miller Harris fragrances, this one sounds like such a dream and perfect for evening too. Also, you did a much better job at describing fragrance than I ever could!


    1. Ah thanks so much, it's so difficult isn't it? I mean how on earth do you put a scent into words! You're right about this being perfect for evening - definitely one of those headier night time perfumes! x

  20. This perfume sounds really good...I like unusual and heavier scents! Thanks for sharing. Have a wonderful day!
    Christina ♥ https://caliope-couture.com

  21. I wish I could give it a sniff as it does sounds very interesting! Pretty packaging too. :)
    Yours Truly, NY | INSTAGRAM

  22. Beautiful images! :)

    Photography & Fashion Blog


  23. I love the packaging, too! I think the black and green really ties in well with the floral design, giving an earthy vibe to it, so you kind of know what to expect in the fragrance. I love when perfume packaging hints at the scent, Marc Jacobs is my favorite for that! I'll have to check this one out because prior to reading this, I've never heard of the brand either. Depending on the mood I'm in or occasion, I like a stronger scent and this seems great for that! Thanks so much for sharing, beauty, and I hope you're having a great week so far!



  24. Hmm, this is the first time I'm reading about this brand but the scent does sounds interesting. I do think I will enjoy this because you described it as warm, earthy and spicy...I hate sweet fragrances.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. Definitely nothing sweet about this Shireen! x

  25. I have never seen this before, but the packaging is exquisite. I love the way the scent sounds as well. Thanks for sharing x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  26. This sounds and looks absolutely gorgeous!! I haven't heard of the brand before but what I love about blogging is finding things that aren't 'everywhere'!

    Such a glorious scent by what you've said so will definitely take a little look - I do love my perfumes hahaha :)

    Layla xx


    1. Me too, perfume is one of my favourite things! It really is one of the joys of blogging to discover new brands - I totally agree! x

  27. I honestly haven't ever tried anything like this, or heard about the brand, but now wishing the internet had a scratch and sniff option lol It Sounds good, but really interested to smell the mixture! will need to keep an eye out for it :)


    1. Someone totally needs to invent Smellogram! x

  28. Hrmm I don't really wear perfume but just reading your descriptions of the smells make me really want to try it! I'm more of a candle person for smells haha but the designs are beautiful and very clean which is something that I love.

    Stephanie ● Sartorial Diner

  29. This sounds wonderful! I haven't tried a lot of different perfumes, but this one sounds really nice ♥
    Amy xx

    Little Moon Dragon

  30. Great review dear! This one sounds awesome! Need to check it :)
    Much love, Pisa

  31. I'm also not familiar with the brand Miller Harris but I do like a distinctive perfume that stays on the skin for a long time.

  32. Thank you for sharing. I'd like to try it. Hope to hear more from you.

  33. Absolutely adore this! So beautiful.


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