Friday, 17 July 2015

Style through the Ages with Katie Lou

A little while ago, I was approached by fellow blogger Katie Lou who wondered if I might be interested in collaborating with her on a post. Checking out her blog, I was immediately struck by the similarities between us. Our names are nearly identical, and of course we're both passionate about fashion and beauty. We even got into blogging around the same time, in the Spring of last year.

However, there is one big difference - at sixteen, Katie is two whole decades younger than me.


Age isn't something I think about too much, or at least I try not to. I have always felt quite strongly, ever since I was a child, that I want to remain young at heart, and not get old before my time. However, the way I dress and do my makeup has obviously changed a lot since I was Katie's age, so I thought it might be fun to make our collaboration about that. How much influence does age really have on our style and beauty choices? Obviously there is nothing scientific about this as it's just me and Katie, but we both thought it would make for an interesting post nonetheless. It was Katie's idea for us both to pick an outfit and makeup for a casual summer day, so without further ado, here's mine.


FOTD featuring Benefit Watt's Up

I've been loving dewy skin at the moment so that's what I went for. I'm wearing Clarins Extra Comfort foundation with a bit of Benefit Dallas - an old favourite of mine in the summer months. It's basically like a bronzer and blusher in one and is a gorgeous "sunset" sort of colour. Then a generous sweep of good old Watt's Up across the top of my cheekbones, Rimmel Nude Delight on my lips and that's pretty much it. I kept my eyes very simple - just a creamy colour across the lids and a soft mid brown through the crease, then a little liner for definition and Rimmel Wonder'full Wake Me Up mascara.

Back when I was Katie's age, I was pretty clueless about makeup. I think my collection consisted of a single brick red lipstick that I would slap on as and when I felt like it. It was only in my twenties that I started to wear makeup on a regular basis and only much later with the discovery of YouTube that I started to really experiment with it. In my teens and early twenties I would happily go out without makeup on, but not now. Does age have something to do with that? Well, yes in the sense that as I've got older I've definitely started to prefer a more polished and put-together look. But truth be told, I've never had particularly good skin, and I've grown to really enjoy playing with makeup! If those two things were different, perhaps I'd still be happy to go bare-faced from time to time. Who knows?


OOTD featuring Zara peasant top

Well, here I am, strolling casually through my Aunty's garden with my handbag, as you do. This is what I wore for a family gathering last weekend. I bought the top from Zara just before I went to Cyprus and I love it. It works well with denim shorts and flip flops, but I've equally enjoyed wearing it like this too. It's a nice, wearable take on the whole boho/peasant trend. The grey jeans make a change from blue and the sandals and bag are old but still much loved. I added my River Island cat-eye sunglasses (still obsessed) and some delicate silver jewellery that you can't see in the photo.

I'm by no means an expert but I think I have learned something about putting clothes together over the years. When I was Katie's age I was really only just starting to get interested in fashion and when I went into Topshop or wherever I just loved EVERYTHING. Now I'm a lot more discerning and I have a better idea of what's going to look good on me and what isn't. Even now, though, I still sometimes make a point of trying on clothes I'm really not sure about. You just never know. We're changing all the time, and sometimes that means that something you wouldn't have dreamed of wearing before suddenly looks good on you. 

Let's take a look at Katie's photos now!


Katie's FOTD

My first thought when I look at this, other than how gorgeous Katie looks, is that I wouldn't have had the first idea how to do this when I was sixteen. I suppose I was a bit of a late developer, but honestly I don't know how any of us figured out anything to do with fashion or beauty before YouTube and blogs came along. Katie clearly knows exactly what she is doing and I love that she still looks totally fresh-faced and age-appropriate - she's accentuated her lovely eyes and lips without looking at all like it's "too much". Would I wear this makeup? Actually, I probably would! A nice sharp liner and a pink lip - what's not to love, at any age? I'd probably tend to wear it as more of an evening look, but that's just me.


Katie's OOTD

I love Katie's outfit. Like me, she dressed for a casual summer day - hers involved a spot of shopping and a barbecue. She looks stunning and I love the way her makeup compliments the colours of the dress. I'd wear those gorgeous sandals in a heartbeat, but much as I love the dress, I have to admit that it wouldn't work on me. Is it because I'm too old for the short hemline? Well, that's the obvious answer, but I think there's more to it than that. There are certain contexts in which I would happily wear something that short - on a beach holiday, for example (I was literally talking about denim shorts a few paragraphs ago!) or perhaps for a dressy evening out (a short cocktail dress with heels? No problem!) I think with this dress it's the length combined with the girly simplicity of it that makes it, quite simply, too young for me. Wonderful on a sixteen year old, yet somehow slightly ridiculous next to a more mature face.

This collaboration has made me think quite a bit about how my approach to clothes and makeup has developed over the years. The conclusion I've come to is that it's a continuous learning curve. We are always changing and adapting and always picking up new skills and ideas. Katie is so much more clued-up than I was at her age and my advice to her would be, keep doing what you are doing, girl! Have fun with it, experiment, and basically milk being sixteen for all it's worth! But I'd also say, don't dread growing older. I'm not going to get all deep here because I do know there's more to life than clothes and makeup. (Like, seriously.) But we're all here reading and/or writing blogs because we love clothes and makeup, and my personal experience of the journey from 16 to 36 is that I've gained a lot more than I've lost. Yes, there's certain things I probably wouldn't wear now I'm "older", but the list is really not that long. (There's nearly always a different way to wear something if you think outside the box!) At the same time, there's so much more I can wear now that would have looked too "grown-up" on me when I was in my teens and early twenties. Add to that the years of practice that have led to me finally being able to apply makeup and style my hair properly, and I'm pretty happy where I am! 

How has your approach to fashion and beauty changed over the years, and how influential has the Internet been in teaching you what you know? And finally, please head over to Katie's blog for her thoughts on our style choices!

Kate x


  1. I love your outfit and you beatiful make-up


    have a good day

  2. I like the idea of this post Kate :) I was clueless about makeup until only a few years ago, haha. I like the less is more approach these days and investing in quality makeup and skincare items. When I was younger I didn't look after my skin and just cake on the makeup!

    You look lovely as always and really suit the bronzy, nude makeup look :)

    Hanh x | hanhabelle

    1. Thanks Hanh! Apart from that one lipstick I was the opposite - I was really timid with makeup and afraid to put anything on my face in case I got spots! x

  3. Great post.
    Kids these days have it easier when it comes to finding knowledge about anything as it is literally just a click away. I definitely went through an awkward stage with all makeup etc, so I feel ya ;)
    And wow, are you really 36!? You are so beautiful and stunning, I wouldn't have pegged you are that age, maybe more 30.

    Angie x | Chocolate & Lipstick || UK Beauty and Lifestyle Blog

    1. Aw, what a sweet comment - thank you! I still feel about 22 if I'm honest but somehow the years rush by before I'm ready for them! And you're so right about the internet - everything is at our fingertips now. I would have loved to have it all available to me when I was a teenager. x

  4. Great Post! You went so into depth, I am sure you could pull off anything though! Thank you for doing the collab I think it turned out really well. x

    1. I thoroughly enjoyed it Katie and I agree - it turned out great! Thanks so much for suggesting it! x

  5. Yay to find another blogger who is my age, I swear majority beauty bloggers these days are young enough to be my child! I was absolutely clueless about anything beauty and fashion related when I was 16, I mean, my mum picks out my clothes because I was not bothered about shopping or my looks at all. It never cease to amaze me how much awareness about beauty the teenagers these days have as opposed to how clueless I was.

    Shireen | Reflection of Sanity

    1. It's true most bloggers are younger - I think it's because they've grown up with it, so they're more likely to get into it. We only had magazines back then didn't we, and somehow it just wasn't the same! No wonder we were clueless! x

  6. Such a lovely and in depth post to read Kate, Love your effortless style and makeup look too! <3

    Serene | I Am Serene L

  7. Love your fringe! This is a great post, really detailed :)

    Erin | Erin and Katherine Talk Beauty

  8. That is a very interesting topic. I am 36, and even though I started playing with makeup quite early (around 16), I was definitely clueless and, looking back, made quite a few mistakes. Or learned a lot, however you want to put it. I guess makeupwise i´d wear the same bright colors as I would have worn when I was 16, but in a more polished way.
    Regarding my fashion choices I have changed a lot and there are quite a few things I´d no longer wear. The ictured dress is an example: too girly, I´d feel like I´d play dress up. This has nothing to do with "women above 30 shouldnt wear xyz"-ruels, but simply with the fact that I think I have outgrown a ceratin style, that it is no longer me.
    Thank you for sharing your choices and your thoughts with us.

    1. This is exactly how I feel too. I think when I was younger I imagined getting older would be like a series of doors closing to me, one after another, but it's not like that at all, more that I keep finding new things I like better! x

  9. You are so skilled in doing a perfect makeup!
    Many thanks for lovely comment on my blog. I couldn’t resist checking your blog and I must say I like it! Now I want to ask you if you want to follow each other?
    xx from Bavaria/Germany, Rena

  10. I really like the first outfit, really close to my style!

  11. Yooooou look gorgeous!! I want to learn to make up me so good as you do!

  12. Lovely post idea, both outfits are gorgeous! <3

    I have a new outfit post up on the blog, would love to know your thoughts:

    * Electric Sunrise - Fashion and Lifestyle Blog *


  13. This is such a fabulous collaboration post! You both look beautiful and I love both of your styles! Your Zara top really is gorgeous - such a versatile piece! :)

    Style Sunrise☀


  14. Oh, what a great collaboration! Being able to reflect on your younger self whilst also analysing a "younger" style must've been such a great insight. I'm only 18 and I am CLUELESS about makeup. Clothes, I have a vague idea, but mostly, I'm just feeling in the dark here.

    I think this is largely due to the fact that I didn't grow up being surrounded by these things; my mum doesn't wear makeup and I don't have any close relatives that are able to teach me these things, so I've sort of winged for the most part. But now at 18 and having started my little online space and being exposed to so much more of these things, it's definitely been helping me with learning about these things.

    I am rather curious to see how I will evolve as I grow older. By then, I think I'll be thankful to have pictures of my younger (i.e present) self to compare to, haha!

    I loved this collaboration!

    May | THE MAYDEN

  15. no doubt internet and the interconnectedness have so much to do with our fashion decisions and what not. lovely post kate i enjoyed it thoroughly :)

  16. Oh, I wish I had a clue when I was 16, but I didn;'t. I'm so jealous of Katies fab look and you my dear, look beaut as usual!

    Anoushka Loves xx

  17. This is such a fun and unique idea for a post! I love both of your outfits! I remember when I was younger, I've always thought that once I'm in my mid-twenties I won't be able to get away with wearing my comfy jeans and white tees, I though that I'd be destined to wear boring pencil skirts haha :) I don't even know where I got that idea from, but when I was a teen I always thought that people in their twenties and thirties were just so... mature and not allowed to have fun with style anymore hehe ;) I'm so glad my opinion of this has changed over the years. I think that the whole blogging phenomenon has really helped me with finding my own style too, I love getting inspiration from some of my favorite fashion and style bloggers :)

    Thirteen Thoughts

  18. I was clueless about makeup till late 2011, Kate. Lol. I get fascinated when friends, my mum & sister dolling themselves. I would sit on their beds & watch them put on eyeshadow/foundation/falsies/shaping their eyebrows. Hehe, I consider myself as a late bloomer when comes to makeup hehe.

    I love your style! Especially your top & the rip jeans ^^

    Hana | Bold Expression


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